Nosco News

A Look at HP Indigo's Next Generation Digital Features

Written by Nosco | August 08, 2018
HP Indigo Digital printing continues to advance its portfolio of offerings with new and exciting capabilities. The latest includes metallic silver and premium white inks, along with HP Link smart technology.

HP's new digital metallic silver ink targets PMS 877 silver and enables a wide array of metallic printing options. Additional metallic colors can be achieved by layering cyan, magenta and yellow inks over the metallic silver – ideal for brand image and package decoration.

Like their digital metallic ink, HP's premium white ink was recently developed to enhance
brand image and increase opacity. The ink is an extremely versatile white ink that achieves
tremendously high levels of print opacity in a single pass operation. Each application is
unique in how it's suggested to be deployed – be sure to contact your packaging advisor
or solutions engineer for recommendation assistance.

HP Link smart technology offers a robust solution to integrating a digital presence on
any physical product. It can be used to:

  • Build customer engagement through an application interface
  • Protect against counterfeiting and diversion

Link also allows for a unique product fingerprint through digital print, which enables brands to track a product through its entire lifecycle. Link provides a robust set of analytics tailored to each specific brand's needs.