Nosco News

Changes to Our Proofing Process

Written by Nosco | October 19, 2018
In order to meet growing customer demands, we have increased our bandwidth to further support customers like you. By doing so, we will connect you directly to our graphic communications team – ensuring that proofs are accurate and produced in a timely manner.

Up until now, all art-related questions have been routed to your account manager, and
then relayed to you and your team. Through our new process, however, we will cut out the
added step, giving you a direct line to our team of experts.


You will continue to work with your account manager, as they will route requests to our graphic communications team. Your account manager remains your main contact here at Nosco.
If questions arise through our preflight and/or proofing process, our graphic communications specialists will reach out to you directly. This will allow you to work through any challenges in a timely fashion. Proofs will then be sent to you as they have been in the past, and you will route the proof approval back to your account manager.
Our mission is to make your packaging successful every day, and we believe this enhancement to our structure will support that mission. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Meet the team that gets it all done... with over 55 years of experience combined!
Todd Hunter
Sr. Graphic Communications Specialist
Caroline Gonzalez
Graphic Communications Specialist
Maria Duran
Graphic Communications Specialist