Nosco Makes the Move to HP Indigo 8000 Series Presses

November 01, 2019

Nosco's digital fleet is not only getting bigger – but faster too! Here's a look at how HP Indigo 8000 series presses will help double the speed of production at Nosco, while adding unmatched value throughout.

Over the years, our customers have grown to know Nosco for our digital print leadership and cutting-edge technologies. That is why we are excited to announce the addition of our new HP Indigo 8000 series presses, which will work to complement our current HP Indigo 6900 series presses. This strategic move will not only add value throughout, but will also double the speed of production through automation.

HP Indigo 8000 series presses feature dual print engines that are strategically built to expand the crossover point between conventional and digital print technologies. This means that our digital print capabilities will become even more competitive – even compared to mid to long run flexographically-printed work.

The advanced automation features equipped on the HP Indigo 8000 leverage in-process color variation, while maintaining industry delta variance targets, and not compromising on speed and throughput.

Additionally, the machine will enable brands to add both personalization and security features to bulk orders – all without the typical costs associated with large digital orders. Overall, we are excited at the prospect to enhance Nosco’s full-service digital solutions for short, mid and even long run digital labels, cartons and flexible packaging products. ◊